Confidence Boosting Office Hours: Humble Brag Mondays

I believe that you’re brilliant!

I believe that you’re brilliant!

What are Humble Brag Mondays?

There are my new free Confidence Boosting Office Hours. Happening weekly on Mondays, with 4 20 min confidential slots available. Currently 8am-9am, use the button to book. The time slot will be changing.

Please email me to book a 20 min on a Monday between 11am - 5pm slot at: in the interim. I am excited to help you believe and cheer for yourself!

This session will help you too:

  • Think differently about yourself and your gifts and talents

  • You will participate in a confidence boosting exercise where you will Release it, Revel in It, Share Gratitude and Share a Humble Brag

  • Building your confidence to undertake action steps the following week

  • Leave with actions to put into practice the following week

Our Session oath!

Our Session oath!